Hadega Aamer

Hadega Aamer



MS in Molecular Virology and Microbiology, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, 2013

BS in Biology/Pre-medicine, Eastern Washington University, 2008


Michael Murphey-Corb, PhD


Areas of Interest

HIV/SIV pathogenicity, viral entry, and viral evolution. Also interested in HCV.

Why I Chose Pitt

I chose the University of Pittsburgh because it is among the top NIH-funded institutions and houses some of the leading experts in infectious diseases. The curriculum of the IBGP is well designed and provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills to tackle scientific questions.


Oral Abstracts:
“Coordinate induction of SIV restriction factors in the blood and gut of rhesus macaques exposed to repetitive, low-dose rectal challenges with SIV/DeltaB670.” Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Retrovirus Conference; Cold Spring Harbor, NY. May 2013.

Poster Abstracts:
Hadega A. Aamer, Premeela Rajakumar, Heather Michael, Julia Nyaundi, Holly Casamassa, Kimberly Griffin, Michael Murphey-Corb. “Resistance to SIV low dose rectal challenge in macaques is associated with higher basal expression of restriction factor mRNA.” 31st Annual Symposium on Nonhuman Primate Models for AIDS; Atlanta, GA. November 2013.

Hadega A. Aamer, Premeela Rajakumar, Heather Michael, Julia Nyaundi, Holly Casamassa, Kimberly Griffin, Michael Murphey-Corb.. “Role of lentiviral restriction factors in resistance to SIV infection in vivo.” Science Convergence Symposium; Pittsburgh, PA. October 2013.


Wijewardana V; Kristoff J; Xu C; Ma D; Haret-Richter G; Stock J. L; Policicchio B. B; Mobley A. D; Nusbaum R; Aamer H; Trichel A; Ribeiro R. M; Apetrei C and Pandrea, I. (2013) Kinetics of myeloid dendritic cell trafficking and activation: impact on progressive, nonprogressive and controlled SIV infections. PLoS Pathog. 9: e1003600 |  View Abstract

Acevedo, O; Ambrose, Z; Flaherty, P. T; Aamer, H; Jain, P; and Sambasivarao, S. V. (2012) Identification of HIV inhibitors guided by free energy perturbation calculations. Curr Pharm Des. 18: 1199-1216. |  View Abstract