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Hot Metal Bridge

Pittsburgh’s Hot Metal Bridge links the Bridgeside technology campus (home to MMG) to cafes, shops and restaurants in the South Side Works.

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Chemical Genetics

Close-up view of a kinase domain active site, genetically modified to accommodate a selective inhibitor.

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Nef SH3 Interface

Molecular model of the interface between the HIV-1 virulence factor, Nef and the host cell signaling protein, Hck.

Credit: Seema S. Lakdawala and Juraj Kabat (NIAID, NIH)

Visualization of four distinct influenza viral RNA segments within a single cell

An MDCK cell infected with influenza A/WSN/1933 (H1N1) virus with four influenza viral RNA segments identified by fluorescent in situ hybridization: PB2, PB1, PA, and NP. The nucleus is labeled in blue based on DAPI staining.

Events & Seminars

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Stream MMG Seminars
Check here for direct links to the current and past MMG Seminars from our 2020 through present. Learn more>
Lakdawala Lab PHIGHTs COVID
Check out this interactive map! Learn more>
PMI launches MID Scholars Program
In collaboration with the Program in Microbiology and Immunology, we are excited to announce the launch of the new Undergraduate Microbiology and Immunology Diversity (MID) Scholars Program on 11 August 2020. Read on for more information. Learn more>